Zoom Function Guidelines

As everybody is aware of the coronavirus fact, interactive conferences anymore involve a serious risk for this virus to spread among the participants. Besides, due to the restrictions imposed by many countries' governments around the world, many participants will not be able to attend the conference onsite. The Remote Conference Presentations were necessary to face with the urgent situation. Thanks for your support and understanding.

In order to make a smooth presentation, please pay attention to the below guidlines!

For more skills, you can find more video tutorials on: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/206618765-Zoom-Video-Tutorials.

Tips for participation:
>>Please try to use Windows 7, Windows 8 and MAC systems. The above systems can support zoom excellently. Please avoid using Windows XP. It will cause many unknowable errors when using ZOOM on Windows XP.
>>When using ZOOM, please ensure that the internet speed can reach 2M or above, or the delays and stutters may occur during communication.

>>To effectively control the time and avoid some unexpected situations, we advise you record your presentation ahead of time, play the video while it’s your turn for presentation. The Video/presentation should be within 10 minutes, 5 minutes for Q&A, in total, one presentation is 15 minutes.

The participation process:
To record a 10-15 minute report video for your paper and send it to the conference secretary via mailbox before Feb 23th, 2022 (In case that some unexpected situation like internet connection problem)
To test your presentation via Zoom on time by following the schedule.

To present your paper on time by following the presentation arragement.
To note that all presentation time will be based on the Shanghai local time(GMT+8).

Voice Control Rules during the presentaiton

  • The host will mute all participants while entering the meeting.
  • The host will unmute the speakers' microphone when it is turn for his or her presentation.
  • Q&A goes after each speaker, the participant can raise hand for questions, the host will unmute the questioner.
  • After Q&A, the host will mute all participants and welcome next speaker.

1. Download Zoom


2. Sign up an account

3. Language Setting

4.Software Test

5. Join in the conference

6. Rename & Raise hand function & Chat function.

7. Share Screen